Where Rivers Meet: The Story of Dr. S. F. Monestime Canada's First Black Mayor

Table of Contents:

 Introduction & Acknowledgments                                     

1. Mattawa

2. Haiti to Canada

3. Russia to Canada

4. The Doctor is In 

5. Political Career

6. Triumph and Tragedy  

7. Legacy & Recognition 

Summary and Conclusion 


Introduction to Book on Rural Medicine

Louise de Kirilene Lawrence 1894-1992

Gary Lautens Column

Remarks by Zena Monestime.  

Mauril Belanger MP

Photo Albums:

1. Family Life 

2. Joie de Vivre


1. Haitian History

2. Black History in Canada

3. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.-1963

4. The Poet Len G. Selle 

5. Mattawa History References 

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