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Forward has "The excellent photographs and illustrations as well as the clarity of the writing add significantly to the book's appeal not only for children but also for adults." - The Huntsville Forester (see full review) My Childhood in the Bush By Rebecca Atkins People thought nine-year-old Rebecca was a "wild animal" when she moved to town. For six years she had lived in the railway village of Brent in Algonquin Park in a boxcar beside the tracks. Her vivid memories of those years provide insight into her isolated but fulfilling life there. Her individual story reflects Canada's struggle for its own identity in the 1900s. Told in her own voice and supported by remarkable photographs of the era, Rebecca's story is a must read for anyone interested in railways, Algonquin Park, or Canadian history in general. $12.95 "Nicely written, attractively designed, and wonderfully Illustrated."- The Beaver "An historical treat" - North Bay Nugget BUY NOW online from the Past Forward Company Store