May 26, 2006Some Good Luck Stories
Near Kiosk in Algonquin
Park in 1963 there was a plane crash that killed a man and his son. This unhappy
ending has a happy ending as the family locates and visits the crash site. But
first a couple of stories about two of my favorite painters, Tom Cummings
(1904-1996) and Gordon Dufoe (1892-1975) who were outstanding painters and
friends of each other and have displays of their work side by side in the
Mattawa Museum.
Tom’s paintings depending
on their size and condition are worth several thousand dollars. I recently got
an email from a lady in Lafayette Colorado who bought two Cummings paintings at
an estate sale there and found me on my website where I had written about him.
I asked her what she paid for them and she told me she got the two of them for
$20. Not bad!
A man in Mattawa recently
working with the owners of Gordon Dufoe’s old house wanted a piece of panel for
a repair job and was directed to the basement. The board he found had a fine
Gordon Dufoe painting on the back. He was given it in exchange for a
replacement piece. An evaluation put a price of several thousand dollars on the
painting. Not bad!
Dr. Yvan Girard lighting candles in memory of family killed
in crash near Kiosk 43 years ago.-Photo by Dr. Yvan Girard and Michelle. |
Kiosk Plane Crash
In a series of plane crash
stories I wrote about, one was near Kiosk on February 17, 1963. Dr. J.B.
Michaud and his son Yves, age 12, died in bad weather between Mink Lake and
White Birch Lake 16km S.E. of Kiosk. In spite of one of the largest air
searches in Ontario history the plane, a Cessna 180 (CF.OUA) was not found.
Eight months later on October 24th a pilot who had been involved in
the original search saw a reflection on the ground and reported his findings.
The crash site and bodies were found shortly thereafter by a ground team.
Roger Bergeron, a former
Kiosk resident, put me onto the story in 2002 when he showed me a newspaper
clipping of the crash. He also had a copy of a report from Federal Department
of Transportation investigators that had been given to him by Harold Staniforth
the President of the Staniforth Lumber Company at Kiosk. Roger was a part of a
Kiosk group that visited the site in 1963.
Moose at plane crash site.-Photo by Dr. Yvan Girard and
Michelle. |
Other people have tried to
find the site since including a man who wanted to take some scouts in recently
but it did not work out. One of Dr. Michaud’s children, Dr. Raymonde Michaud
wanted to find the site to get closure on the accident. Her husband, Dr. Yvan
Girard retired in Florida made a trip to Kiosk last October with a friend to
find the site but in spite of a noble effort was not successful.
Carmen Cross the manager of
the access point at Kiosk gave him my article on the crash and he contacted
Roger Bergeron who provided the information he had. Dr. Girard and their
daughter Michelle decided to take another run at it recently. Rick Bergeron, a
cousin of Roger who knows the area well did a search on their behalf and found
and marked the site.
Dr. Girard and Michelle
wanted to land a float plane near the site but could not get permission. They
wanted to drive their car or a recreational vehicle on the old CNR line to get
closer but could not get permission. Two young MNR employees at Kiosk ran them
down the old rail bed to a point opposite the crash and they canoed to the trail
Rick Bergeron had marked.
In short order they found
the site. The plane’s tail shown in the original Nugget photo had been crushed
by a fallen tree and there was considerable undergrowth. The photos show the
extent of the destruction and the good condition of the scattered metal parts.
Dr. Girard and his daughter lit two candles and meditated for the lost family
Crash site.-Photo by Dr. Yvan Girard and Michelle. |
Dr. Girard who has gone
moose hunting on occasion has never seen one. While at the crash site they
heard a noise downwind and saw a large moose grazing about 100 metres away. It
stayed for over 30 minutes and they watched it and took pictures.
They returned to the rail
bed and were met by the MNR gentlemen on schedule and returned happily home. The
location now has a GPS location and the trail is easy to find. Members of the
family anticipate trips there in the near future. Other visitors are welcome as
long as the site remains undisturbed. A happy ending to a tragic family event.
The original article in
November 2002 is #113 on my website indicated
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