September 11, 201110th Anniversary of 9/11
Ten years
ago on September 11 I was returning some books at
the North Bay Public Library when the librarian asked if I had heard about the
attack on the World Trade Centre in
New York.
We have all had those moments when something freezes
in your mind and remains for years. I can still visualize that moment as if it
were a photograph.
Composite the Front page of the Nugget on September 12,
2001 and an image of the twin
towers. |
remembered when I worked for the Ministry of Correctional Services as Principal
and went to a Youth Services Conference in
New York
and spent 3 days in a Board Room in one of the
By the way Cecil Facer will celebrate 40 years on Sept 22
For the
next few days the anger against Al Quaeda and Osama
Ben Laden and the horror of the event filled the pages of newspapers and filled
the airways. The Nugget had 12 pages on September 12. The pain and anger has
never stopped even with Bin Laden’s death in
May .
Further Al
Quaeda terrorism has taken place in
and Morroco.
I am
writing this on August 31 and already there is a build up for the recognition of
the day in all of its inhumanity. The Globe & Mail showed the photo today of a
young lady who walked down 78 storeys and collapsed into the arms of a deputy
marshall who ran to the scene at the World Trade
Centre. Another photo shows her today. She has never been back.
September 11, 2001
wielding terrorists turned 4 commercial airliners into passenger laden missiles
unleashing the deadliest sneak attack against the
United States
(I still remember my father waking me on December 7, 1941
when I was 10 years old to tell me about Pearl Harbour). The strike was
bold and meticulously planned according to the Nugget. Two planes flew into the
where 50,000 people worked. Another headed to the Presidential retreat at Camp
David but was forced to the ground outside Pittsburgh and one headed for the
jumped to their death from the window of the Towers to escape the flames. People
in the planes made final phone calls to family before dying. Everyone was
touched including many Canadians. Canadian “Ace” Bailey the Head of Scouting
for the
Los Angeles Kings died in the event as did other Canadians.
The final
count of deaths was 3,000 including 19 hijackers with 6000 injured. The Pentagon
had 186 deaths. When one considers that these were primarily young professionals
with wives, husbands and children and extended families the impact was
Memorials on
There will
be numerous memorials on Saturday. (Google 9 11 Anniversary) President
Obama has issued a set of Guidelines for the 9/11
Anniversary. It stresses the possibility of more attacks from al
Quaeda on the anniversary.
There will
be four moments of silence at most events to commemorate the times of the plane
crashes and there will be tributes in light at sunset.
Canada will
be remembering in many ways ( check
National Arts Centre in Ottawa will hold a memorial concert on its outside
terrace at 8:46 am – the time when the first plane struck the first Twin Tower
of the World Trade Centre.
Artefact on local display
The Nugget
reported that the Lavigne Fire Department in
West Nipissing
has acquired a piece of steel from the
for display. It is dedicated to the 343 members of the
New York
fire Department that died in the attack.
A memorial
is now under construction in Lavigne and will be
dedicated Saturday September 11 at 2:30 pm. It will be available for viewing
during station hours. Everyone is invited to the opening and or a visit.
It should
be recognized that Osama Bin Laden was recently killed.
Among many memorials the Pentagon has been repaired and a memorial built.
The Twin Towers were started to be rebuilt in 2002. Many others will be open
this weekend.
(Unfortunately this column did not appear in Community Voices)
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