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August 26, 2011

New General Store Welcomed in Chisholm Township

Chisholm Township east of Powassan like other northern communities has enjoyed good general stores over the years, but has not had one for several years until now.  On Saturday August 13 the new Chisholm Country Market and Feed Store opened on Alderdale Road.

 MPP Monique Smith, Clint & Kelly Litster with sons Colton and Asa, and Chisholm Mayor Leo Jobin.  Doug Mackey Photo

Kelly & Clint Litster, their two sons, MPP Monique Smith and Chisholm Mayor Leo Jobin cut the ribbon. (actually, appropriately, several strands of binder twine).  A large group of guests was on hand enjoying refreshments and buying goods.  Chisholm Councillor Cec Reid & Liberal candidate Dr. Katherine Whiting were on hand as well.

Kelly’s farming parents live nearby, and Clint worked for North Bay radio stations for tears CKAT and EZ Rock radio vans were in attendance advertising the event.  The new store will expand over time as needs are established.  The feed store is a real bonus as is the gasoline outlet.  Local people, including Chisholm’s Amish community ,will sell some items.  My books are on sale.

The new Alderdale Store. The far house was the original Alderdale Store.  Doug Mackey photo.

In her remarks Monique Smith brought greetings and mentioned that the Northern Ontario Entrepreneur Program supported the store with a $75,000 grant for renovating the building and installing the gas pumps.  The store will have several full and employees.  The grant is one of 5 similar local grants provided by the McGuinty government.   

Unique Location 

The domed building was a Chisholm Public Works building and recently housed a motorcycle repair shop.  The store is located in an historical location near previous general stores and the old CNR Alderdale CNR train station.  The photo shows the station and tracks and a store on the left from years ago. 

 The old Alderdale Store. Submitted photo

Alderdale was originally a town site with a small subdivision planned.  Several of the nearby houses are built on those lots.  A post office was located in the original general store and gas pumps were added as required.  In 1937 a train wreck at Alderdale shook up the community.  For a full article on Alderdale Google Heritage Perspectives and go to my article from April 6, 2001.  A May 16, 2003 article profiles a general store at McConkey Corners, another old one elsewhere in Chisholm and further information on the Alderdale store, including a photo of the front of the store with its gas pumps.The original building remains as a family dwelling. 

The new gas pumps at the Chisholm Store – note the Amish horse and buggy behind. Doug Mackey photo.

I also previewed a book on General Stores in a January 24, 2003 article which includes some references to the Alderdale Store and Bob’s Kinfolk, our last store. 

The new Alderdale Store is on a central paved road with lots of parking and should do well.  There are several other businesses nearby including a couple of Amish stores on Memorial Park Drive which joins Alderdale Road.  

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