February 18, 2011Heritage Activity in North Bay
The North Bay Municipal Heritage Committee
When I noticed some professionally done
heritage signs in front of some downtown locations I was impressed. I knew there
is a Downtown Improvement Committee dedicated to strengthening the downtown core
as fundamental to the life of the community. They have had their say in the
development of the C.P. Rail lands and the new transit terminal etc.I wasnt
aware there was a Municipal Heritage Committee.
Heritage sign giving history
of North Bay City Hall at its former site – now the Thomson Building on
McIntyre Street. D. Mackey |
A little research led to the role of the
Municipal Heritage Committee and the signs. In 1996 North Bay had a council
approved Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) to advise
on the identification of worthy heritage buildings for purposes of recognition
and preservation. They did some good work.
In 2003 the provincial government
decreed that the LACACs would become Municipal Heritage Committees. (MHC).
Guidelines were expanded to include streetscapes, districts, & landscapes. A
North Bay bylaw established a MHC committee of interested individuals that
proceeded to fulfill their mandate within the municipal framework.
One of the rules of the MHC is to
educate the public about these sites. The committee decided that appropriate
signage leading eventually to a walking tour would be a goal.
Five sites were given signs in 2010 & 3
more will be added in 2011. The signs are sturdy, well-researched initiatives
with photographs & written information (see photo) (In this case the original
building is gone.)
Google North Bay Municipal Heritage
Committee & you can see the 28 identified sites with photographs and profiles of
the sites along with a map if you wish to tour the sites.
The committee, chaired by Peter Handley,
works closely with the city and they are to be congratulated for their excellent
work. Other communities would do well to establish such committees if they have
not already done so.
Laurier Woods Blossoming
I wrote about the remarkable Laurier
Woods Conservation area in June 2002 (#100). A lot has happened since. The
wetland is a joint stewardship between the North Bay Mattawa Conservation
Authority (NBMCA) & the Laurier Woods Stewardship Committee. The MBMCA takes
elementary students on tours on a regular basis to look at the natural setting.
Scouts have planted hundreds of trees over the years. There are 5 bridges and an
observation tower on the trails.
Laurier Woods North Bay. D. Mackey |
The partners have acquired an additional
100 attached acres to the south of the current site recently from a private
owner. With the costs involved they are raising $100,000 by
“selling” 1 acre sections for $1,000 with smaller sections for other donors with
a belief in conservation, preservation and education.
Donations of any size would be
appreciated. Log on to
www.laurierwoods.com for details on donations recognition, tax receipts etc.
Sue & Gord Miller, Commissioner of the Environment, former Mayor Vic Fideli, the
Kiwanis club & Dean’s Pharmasave are among the early major donors.
The new site will be developed and
opened in stages as soon as possible. With its new waterfront its municipal
heritage sites & Laurier Woods North Bay should be proud of its achievements and
of those who made it happen.
West Nipissing Digitalization Project
The project mentioned last week will
start on Sunday February 27th at 1pm at the Verner Municipal Office.
Bring your questions, materials, ideas, and get involved in this great
project. For further information on the Project contact the Digitalization
Facilitator Bridgitte Campeau at the Sturgeon Falls Library
(705) 753-2620).
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