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July 24, 2009

History Notes in Perspective

Synagogue Recognized

The North Bay Municipal Heritage Committee recently unveiled a commemorative plaque recognizing the significance of the Sons of Jacob Synagogue in North Bay history.

The Synagogue at Cassells and McIntyre Street has been the Jewish community’s place of worship since 1925 the year North Bay was incorporated as a city.  It is the oldest synagogue north of Toronto and is still used as a place of worship. 

It has been carefully maintained, preserved and restored by the congregation especially after a water pipe burst in 2007 that caused extensive damage.Nearby churches helped with the cost.Watch a video and read more on the commemoration at www.nugget.ca 

Celebrating the Quints 75th

The successful activities around the Dionne Quints birthday in May continues with Quint related movies in cooperation with the North Bay Public Library.  The films will be shown at the Library Auditorium the last Tuesday of each month. 

The July film Five of a Kind starring the real Quints will be featured from 6-8pm July 28th – admission is free. 

The doors will be open for this unique and rare film at 5:30.  For further information log on to http://www.northbaychamber.com/museum  or call 472-8480. 

Chief Standing Moose??

A reader has a North Bay postcard showing the 24 foot “Canada’s Largest Indian” statue and wants to know where and when it was located.  It was apparently somewhere on the Lakeshore in the Ferris area.  Give me a call if you know its location and the business involved.  724-6882 or email me. 

“Chief Standing Moose” statue on postcard  from the past in North Bay.


Discovery North Bay Haunted Downtown Tours

Last year’s Haunted Tours were successful and are on again this summer at the Museum.  The tours begin at dusk at the Museum on the waterfront (the old CPR station at 100 Ferguson). Tickets are $6.00 Children under 12 not recommended. 

The tours run at 8.00 and 8:15 Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm (a half hour earlier after August 25th).  Stories about the station will be followed by a walking tour to look at various sites including the historic Royal Theatre .  Space is limited and reservations are recommended.  Bring your own ghost stories if you want to tell them.

Close Call on the Welland Canal

I wrote about the Welland Canal  and my connection to it a couple of weeks ago.  Last week a 13 year old boy Brad Adams was  at an old section of the Welland Canal from the pre Seaway era that joins the main canal  A girl was swimming when a boat was going by and the current rapidly pulled her screaming into deep water.  Brad took of his shoes and emptied his pockets and dove in to help.  He held the girl for about 20 minutes while a 911 call was made and a crowd gathered.  A boater got there  first and saved them. 

Brad Adams local hero on the Welland Canal in Port Colborne where Doug Mackey crossed the same bridge hundreds of times in his youth.  Kaesha Forand, Sun Media


Brad didn’t want to be the centre of attention so he dressed quickly and left even though someone had stolen the money he had left.  The Fire Chief caught up to him and gave him $10 from his own pocket.  The Chief recommended a commendation to Port Colborne city council for Brad.He deserves it. The story was reported in the Nugget with the photo shown here. 

Teachers’ College 100th. 

The Teachers College Reunion was a big success but some teachers were disappointed about one thing. Some wanted to tour the old college which is now part of  the Correctional Service Headquarters but were turned down by the bureaucrats.  How’s that for being a welcoming community partner? 

La Vase Portage 

The good citizens of North Bay won the heritage battle for Otter Lake and Steadman’s Gardens.  They were at a Council meeting with paddles in hand to try to save the historical La Vase Portage from being encroached upon by a gravel company.  We’ll see what happens this time.  Thanks to these good citizens for their sense of heritage preservation.

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