April 24, 2009Mattawa’s Remarkable Explorer’s
There are few heritage sites in
Canada with more history and a better view than
Mattawa’s Explorers Point on the north side of the Mattawa River where the
Mattawa River meets the Ottawa River. Before looking at some of the Point’s
past history, let’s look at it today. The beautiful red pine log Mattawa Museum
on Main Street is one of those rare northern museums built to be a museum.
Architect Jules Paivio designed it for Mattawa’s 100th
birthday in 1984 and it was built by local craftsmen.
The Museum
The Museum’s displays have grown over
the years and they will open a new display on Maurice Nadon
former Commissioner of the RCMP, who grew up in Mattawa, on the Museum’s 25th
anniversary on June 13, 2009. Gilbert Parent
the long standing MP and Speaker of the House in Ottawa who died recently will
be memorialized in a display in September this year.Gilbert
and his family have a longstanding connection with Mattawa
The grounds near the museum feature
the huge carved statue of Big Joe Mufferaw and two
Ontario Heritage Foundation Plaques. An outdoor display recognizes the
significance of the point on the Mattawa/Ottawa River system. The
Mattawa River is a heritage river and the Ottawa will
soon be recognized making the point special.
The huge stage added to the back of
the Museum facing the Ottawa River has been the
site of many events including the hugely successful Mattawa Voyageur Days which
has been selling out lately. Many events have taken place on the point
including Aboriginal events recognizing the native presence in Mattawa.
The point also features a fine
Marina where Mattawa boats dock and where visitors can
park while visiting or travelling the Ottawa River. The expanse of the Ottawa
River, the Railway Bridge to Quebec and the
Laurentian Mountains with
the 3 crosses across the river make for a stunning view. The bridge across the
Mattawa touches the Point property.
When the last ice sheet receded
10,000 years ago and the land began to rise in the
area to the west of Mattawa as far as North Bay
it caused the Mattawa
River to flow toward Mattawa. The river with its portages and other impediments
has been a challenge to travellers for centuries. The annual canoe races on the
river have been a test for the best canoeists. The river provided access to
some of the forests that built the lumber trade in Mattawa’s early days. The
high ground of the point has made it a haven for activity and people over the
Native people stopped on the point
for centuries and early explorers were drawn there, including Champlain in
1615. Leo Morel’s book The Meeting of the Waters lists several dozen famous
travellers who stopped. The North West Fur Co. established a site there as did
the Hudson’s Bay Company later. The Hudson’s
Bay Company had a store, a couple of houses, including one for the Factor and
several warehouses as shown in the photo Mr. Laughlin the Provincial Member of
Parliament in the 1890s had a beautiful house on the high ground overlooking
the point.
1. Explorers Point in its early
days. The Hudsons
Bay Store is this side of the bridge on left and several of their buildings
can be seen on the Point. The Rosemount Hotel
is bottom centre with Murray and & Laughrin
General Store to right. 2.Frontviews
of the Hudsons Bay
Store, the Rosemount
Hotel and the Murray & Loughrin store.
.. Submitted photos. |
Mattawa’s two native Chiefs Amable du
Fond and Antoine Kiwiwisens lived on the high ground
beyond the point and Hudson’s Bay Factor Colin
Rankin showed great respect for them. In the
Rankins Papers there is a reference that
notes that “Lady du Fond and servant . . . spent New Years Day with us. She
left her Lord to take care of the wigwam in her absence.” Rankin has a street
named for him nearby. He was Mattawas Mayor 7 times
in the 1890s.
Hudson’s Bay store closed a hundred years ago and the point was used for storing
logs etc. until more recent time. As the town grew a large Catholic Church,
School and Hospital were built on the rise overlooking the Point and a Hotel and
many houses were built nearby as the town expanded. The Murray and Laughlin
general store was across the road from the Hudson’s Bay Post.
The Voyageurs
Of the many travellers who visited
Explorers Point none are better known than the Voyageur traders, in their huge
canoes, who stopped at the point to rest and replenish. It is fitting
that Museum staff and board members from throughout
Northern Ontario (The Voyageur Heritage Network) are visiting
Mattawa next Saturday for their annual meeting and workshops.
As mentioned the Mattawa Voyageur
Days (July 22-26) will also recognize the role of the Voyageur. Plan a visit to
the point and to other Mattawa sites during this 125th
anniversary year.
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