March 6, 2009The 300th
Anniversary of the Palatine Emigration
In my recent series of article on
various anniversaries- Mattawa, flight, teacher education- I have not gone back
3 centuries – a tricentennial -but there is one I have an interest in. The
Palatine German influx into the 13 colonies in 1709 eventually had an important
impact on Canada’s history in general and on my family. Maternal grandparents on
both sides of my family were Palatine descendants.
The Palatines were people who fled from
an area in the Palatine Region of Germany on the Rhine River in 1709 for a
variety of reasons that were making survival a problem. War, religious
conflicts, crop failure and poverty led them to respond to Britain’s need for
people in the 13 colonies to strengthen their position there in relation to
events to the north in what was to become Canada and simply to populate the
Doug (L) and Richard Mackey
on their genealogical search. |
In 1709 13,500 people of Dutch, Swiss,
French and German background left for England. It was 1710 before most of them
got to New York and New Jersey. A group located in Ireland before travelling to
the colonies. Many relatives followed the original groups across the Atlantic.
It is estimated that about a third didn’t make it due to disease and bad
The New York Palatines went to areas on
the Hudson River primarily in what was known as West Camp and East Camp. Work
was promised but it did not materialize and they dispersed along the Hudson and
Mohawk Valleys and elsewhere in New York State creating a powerful influence.
Family History
Two of these families with German roots
are descendants of my family – the Benners on my mother’s side and the Fralicks
on my father’s side. Both families were naturalized in 1715 in Kingston, N.Y.
Over the next generations the families grew in size and influence. Their
connection to my dad’s Mackey side and my mother’s Winn side would not have
happened if many of the residents of the colonies had not revolted against
Britain in the American Revolution in 1776 and fled to Canada. Some families
split with some choosing to stay and in some cases the ones that fled went to
different locations
United Empire Loyalists
Many think these people were
conservative loyal Britishers that later formed the elite Family Compact but
others like John Rolston Saul in his 2008 book A Fair Country disagree. Saul
says most of the so called Loyalists were German (40%),other nationalities ,
Native (6 Nations) and many blacks. Saul contends that many of the British
stayed to found America and suggests a look at the names on the U.S.
My descendants, the Benners and Fralicks,
joined one of the many military Corps – the Butler’s Rangers – that fought the
Colonies and settled in Canada after the war. The Butler’s Rangers were based
on the north end of the Niagara River on Lake Ontario and made many trips into
New York State to fight the Patriots. Many consider them as the best of the
Benjamin Fralick, a fourth generation
Palatine Fralick and our descendant was a Sergeant in Butler’s Rangers. After
the war he received 800 acres in Louth Township on 15 Mile Creek near where
Thorold eventually grew and where the Welland Canal was established. The Benner
family located to the Cayuga area. Another Fralick line went to the Kingston
The Benjamin Fralick family eventually
moved to Cayuga where several generations later a Fralick descendant married my
grandfather Henry Mackey. My grandmother Benner married Tom Winn and my mother
Eva was one of their children. The 2 Palatine families who arrived in N.Y.
State in 1710 grew with the births of me and my two brothers in the 1930s. The
people who fled north are called United Empire Loyalists.
My brother Richard began to work on our
family history 20 years ago and has put thousands of hour into a massive
documentation. We travelled to N.Y. State on one occasion and he has gone with
his wife Pat as secretary a couple of times researching details. There is a
large Palatine Association in the U.S. with many branches including a group of
Irish Palatines that have a major 300th anniversary event this summer. The big
event will be next summer when the major Palatine arrival took place 300 years
There is a large United Empire Loyalist
Association in Canada with many chapters that preserve the history of the
Loyalists. My brother was President and is active in the B.C. chapter. In 1789
legislation was passed recognizing the role of the Loyalists and allowing those
with proof to use the letters U.E. (Unity of Empire) after their name. My
brother was able to trace the several generations back and received the
designation 15 years ago. I was also able to receive the designation. Many
genealogists with the connection use the letters as a form of recognition. My
brother uses it in his work. I have seldom had a chance to use it. It was fun
digging out and reviewing this history because the speaker at the active
Nipissing Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society last Tuesday, talking,
among other things, about the Palatines, was A. Douglas Mackey, U.E.
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