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October 24, 2008

History Events of Interest


Changes at Renee’s Café in South River 

There is still the same great food, music and art at Renee’s Café in South River but there is a new owner and some new people.  Renee & Gary White after 10 years of providing their unique centre for art, music and food have retired and sold the business to Lori Mitchell.  Renee and Gary still own the building and apartments and will play occasionally and played at the night of the opening. 

Lori Mitchell (L) new owner of Renees Café and Jane Bonnell in front of one of Jane’s paintings.  D. Mackey photo.

The Grand Opening took place on Saturday October 11 from 11-3pm and a steady stream of visitors dropped by for coffee and treats and to give congratulations  My wife and I went for the opening but also to meet Jane Bonnell whose art show opened there the night before. 

Lori Mitchell has over 30 years of experience in cooking and food services management and has worked at Renees for the last year.  When the opportunity came up she decided to go for it and with the help of her husband and daughter – a recent college graduate in the business-she did it. 

Lori has made some changes but the same good food, music and art prevails.  She has been very busy with a lot of catering and has some excellent music and art shows lined up.  Eileen McGowan will be showing her work in November. 

Jane Bonnell’s fascinating new exhibition Mist, Mirrors and Moonlight provides a colourful variety of sizes and themes for a wide audience.  Jane has averaged a show a year at Renees for a decade and was curator of other shows for 5 years. 

For details on all of the Renee activity log on to www.renees.net or call 705-386-9777.  Closed Sunday and Monday. 

Fascinating WWI Remembrance Project 

Beginning at sunset on November 4th and to sunrise November 11th the Canadian War Memorial opposite the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa will carry out a vigil of remembrance for the 68,000 Canadians who died in WWI.  The names will be projected on the Memorial as well as buildings in other regions of Canada and at Canada House in Trafalgar Square in London England.  For further information on this national tribute log on to www.vigil1914-1918vigile.ca.  The site will provide search functions to help find information on each veteran and the night and time the name will be projected. 

And remember that the remarkable book I mentioned recently  Somewhere in France by Kevin Reeves which celebrates the life of his grandfather Dave Reeves  a WWI soldier. It is available at Gulliver’s on Main Street in North Bay. 

Mattawa Plaque Unveiling 

The Ontario Heritage Trust, an agency of the Ontario Government provides historical plaques recognizing significant events in Ontario history.  There are several plaques being provided this year including one in Mattawa on Monday October 27, 2008 at 1:45.  The unveiling at the Mattawa Museum on Explorer’s Point will recognize the importance of the French-Canadian Settlement and the CPR in the Mattawa area.  The plaque preparation was financially assisted by the Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs and Department of Canadian Heritage. 

Ottawa River Heritage Designation 

Efforts have been ongoing for several years to have the Ottawa River designated as a Heritage River.  Various key people have been involved and an extensive report was prepared in 2005.  People have questions about the advantages and possible disadvantages of the designation.  A Q&A session was held in Petawawa recently and there will be one in Mattawa on November 1 at the Mattawa Adventure Camp, 4601 Highway 17E from 1-4pm.  The Canadian Heritage River System public relations director Brian Gromsey will be in attendance as will members of the committee.  The committee will deal with the issue of further regulations.  The proposal went to the Canadian Heritage Rivers System Board in May and is expected to be approved next June – a nice footnote to Mattawa’s 125th anniversary. 

For a look at the Ottawa River Background Nomination Study log on to www.ottawariver.org where the 318 page report can be read and downloaded if desired. (under NEWS).  There are some excellent other items available. 

The initiative is dedicated to the memory of M.P. Len Hopkins (1930-2007) who was a driving force behind the project. 

North Bay’s Cochrane Building Plaque Unveiled 

On October 1 the North Bay Municipal Heritage Committee unveiled a plaque recognizing the history of the building that housed the Cochrane-Dunlop Hardware Store for generations beginning in1911  The space is now shared by Lefebvres Outdoor Sports on Main Street and Vested Interest Trading on McIntyre.  It is part of an effort to preserve historic sites for tourism and future reference.  Recognition of other buildings is in the works to add to the current list of sites. 

World War II photo (NB Museum) and current façade of Cochrane-Dunlop building  from town clock on opposite side of street..D. Mackey photo

Chisholm’s Alderdale Road Opening Today 

The opening of the 1.2 Million rebuilding of the historic Alderdale Road through the heart of Chisholm Township takes place October 24 at the Township Directory at Memorial Park and Alderdale Road. 

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