May 30, 2008
Names, Planes & Trains in Perspective
When the
CNR was built across the north side of Algonquin Park numerous
section stops were established where workers lived & maintained the track in
each direction. The names of each of the stops evoke various degrees of
historical significance depending on whether the stop developed into more than a
maintenance depot.
Fossmill, Kiosk and Brent became the 3 most
significant stops and I have written articles and books on all three. One of
the stops with the name Coristine on the west side of the Amable du Fond is a
part of Kiosk history because even though it was abandoned when the Kiosk
station developed the section house became a part of Kiosk history when the
Laferriere family bought it and moved in and kept
their family together when only bunkhouse accommodation was available for the
men. Kiosk replaced Coristine because lumbermen Mackey & Booth established
depots there and a summer resort was established on
Kioshkokwi Lake along with leases for cottage
lots.Coristine was only a
kilometre away across the Amable
du Fond and became redundant.
I got an interesting email recently from a man
doing some history for the Coristine family History in
Monrteal and I was
told that the CNR stop was named after the family patriarch. Cynthia
Coristine wrote me with some "Montreal Coristine"
history. Her great-great grandfather James Coristine (1837-1908) came to
Montreal from Ireland and soon got work with a furrier. He became a
partner and eventually became owner of James Coristine & Co. He became very
successful, married and had 7 children. His massive business headquarters
remains today as an office building. Several family members held important
positions in the company including Cynthia's grandfather who was Vice President.
The company went bankrupt in 1938. The records indicate that the stop in the
Park was named Coristine but there is no record why.
Photo of
furrier business in Montreal . Submitted photo |
Another nameI wrote
recently about 101 year old Clarence Brazier the man
who learned to read at age 93 and was featured in Astrid
Taim's new book Almaguin Chronicles. Brazier's name was in the news
recently when he was given the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award.
Brazier got a standing ovation and a hug from Michaelle
Jean at Rideau Hall in Ottawa when he
received the award on April 30. Astrid and I will be talking about and signing
our recent books at the Powassan Library on Clark Street in Powassan on June 3rd
at 7:30 courtesy of the Friends of the Library.
Jerry Rose, Chisholm Twp and sign he purchased
when CNR closed in 1995 |
North Bay aviation historian Rudy Mauro, who has
written extensively about the famous Captain of the Clouds movie, recently
responded to a lengthy obituary in the Globe & Mail about a famous RCAF flyer
Dal Russel Rudy's
comments were published a couple of days later as follows:
"After his triumphs in the Battle of Britain,
Dal Russel was once
given a flying assignment of a Hollywood kind. In September of
1941,the No. 11 RCAF Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron
in Dartmouth, N.S., was instructed to co-operate with Warner Brothers for the
filming of the climactic aerial duel scene in the wartime epic Captains of the
Clouds, starring James Cagney. Lacking a
Messerschmitt Bf 109, they dressed a Hawker Hurricane in German markings and put
Squadron Leader Russel at the controls.
The "Messerschmitt" and the five
Hudsons flew to a location off the
Nova Scotia coast to stage the attack, which was filmed by cameras aboard a
seventh aircraft.
No novice on the Hurricane, he executed the
precise manouevres requested by the director and
attacked the formation. Squadron Leader Max Martyn,
No. 11 Squadron commander, who substituted for Cagney,
later described the scene: "I feigned damage and droped
away in full rich mixture to supposedly crash, smoking, in the sea below."
Russel, elated at downing his first Hudson, diverted to Halifax on his
return to base and flew up Barrington Street, the main thoroughfare, at low
altitude. At the sight of a swastika flashing over the rooftops,
Haligonians went into near panic.
Back at base, everyone enjoyed a laugh - except
the commanding officer, Hartland Molson. He was not amused."
Rudy has also written about his adventure in 1973
when he looked for the long-lost inscribed boulder marking the spot famous
Labrador explorer Leonidas Hubbard
died. Rudy was accompanied by the son of Dillon Wallace who in 1913 had
traveled back to the site of Hubbard's tragic death in 1903. Rudy's adventure
was published in Beaver Magazine and is now online at rudymauro.net. You can
also read about Dillon Wallace's trip in his book Back
to Labrador assembled by Rudy and available online at rudymauro.com.
Two weeks ago I wrote about 2 trains that crashed
west of Mattawa in September 1952.
I did not have a photo of the wreck. A reader
drew my attention to Ken Craig's book Blades of the Bay where Regis "Pep" Kelly
is profiled. Pep was fireman on the train and suffered permanent injury. Ken
Craig gave permission to use the picture of the crash.
The 2 CPR trains
that crashed in September 1952 west of Mattawa. Ken
Craig photo. |
May was Museum Month and there is lots of activity
as the local museums open.Was pleased to
see,for example, the
improvement on the Clark House Museum in
Powassan with its new roof and new front veranda.
New veranda on Clark House
Museum, Powassan. Doug Mackey photo |
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