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March 7, 2008

The Art and History Scene

The following are some reports on items that may be of interest to readers of Community Voices. 

Last week I drew attention to the North Bay WKP Kennedy Public Art Gallery's big waterfront Ice Follies event.  I showed the set up for one of the various sculptures, the large RESOURCE sculpture ready to be opened up to meet the atmosphere.  The photo here shows the opened sculpture and some of the other pieces on Saturday, February 23 along with some of the large group of people who visited that day.  If you haven't seen it, it will be there until March 20th just east of the Chief Commanda dock. 

The Ice Follies event on the North Bay Waterfront until March 20th, 2008.  D. Mackey photo.

International Women's Week 2008 

There is a variety of events this week most of which are over looking at women's issues.  There is an event of interest today called Bridges to Home at Discovery North Bay (The North Bay Museum) in the old restored CPR station (100 Ferguson Street).  There is a Gala Opening tonight at 7pm.  Beside lots of related art there will be some oral history and war bride stories and a special Expose of Canadian Living Magazine feature articles.  Several local immigrant women will be profiled ( www.nipissingyou.ca/bridges )

On Saturday March 8th there is a multi-media event at 7pm at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin.  Amelia Rising will be providing a Variety Show celebrating various forms of female expression.  For further information call Suzanne Boyer at 705-840-2403 - Suzanne@ameliarising.ca  

New Multicultural Centre 

One of the sponsors of the women's week events is the new North Bay Multicultural Centre which opened its doors February 22, 2008.  The new centre offers settlement assistance to newcomers including helping to find work, accessing health and community services.  Newcomers will be brought together through various events and mentorship.  For further information drop in to the centre at 374 Fraser Street, North Bay. 

Northern Ontario Reads 

CBC radio has an annual event examining books a panel thinks Canadians should read with an eventual winner.  CBC Sudbury has a spin off event Northern Ontario Reads which kicked off recently on Dan Lessard's afternoon show out of Sudbury.  Several books are recommended and discussed and you can vote to help establish the most recommended.  I am pleased that Susanne Brooks from Gullivers Books has chosen The Kiosk Story as her recommendation.  Listen in and vote for the Kiosk Story if you are so inclined and we'll see which books the recommenders like. 

The Nipissing University Oral History Conference 

Nipissing's History Department's Oral History course has its students research various topics and present their findings in a conference each year.  The Conference this year is on Friday March 28 at the monestary campus.  I will be speaking on my current work as a part of the event.  Everyone is welcome - no charge. 

Cobalt History Workshop 

Cobalt had an outstanding annual history conference for years usually with a published proceedings.  It was curtailed getting ready for their centennial but it's back again.  On Saturday April 26, 2008 various speakers will speak starting at 8:30 on topics of interest to northerners at the Classic Theatre.  There will be displays upstairs.  Refreshments will be served. 

I will be speaking on the life of Grey Owl as presented at the Angele Project in Temagami last summer.  The event is sponsored by the Cobalt Historical Society.  Email vivhost@nt.net for information. 

North Bay Arts, Culture and Heritage Group 

North Bay established a Coordinating Body on Arts, Culture and Heritage (CBACH) last year and recently had their first Annual General Meeting and election of officers.  After some fine entertainment the interim Board was replaced with a permanent Board.  The new group replaces and expands the vision to include heritage and culture in the North Bay and Area Arts Council. 

CBACH is aimed at supporting and advertising North Bay's rich arts, culture and Heritage community.  The elected Board has representation from the various areas to coordinate the initiative.  They hope to develop a directory of related groups to improve communication and assist in the development of events and seek funding for these activities.  The City will provide office space and has approved an arts, culture and heritage policy and the CGACH business plan.  For further information contact Dee Adrian at 474=1944 ext 224 or Melinda Fry 474-0626 ext 321. 

Almaguin Arts Council 

The Almaguin Area has formed a new Arts Council to provide leadership in the arts throughout the area.  Various groups are represented on this board and they are developing a mission statement and goals.  They will advocate for space for theatre and art in the new high school.  A directory will be developed to facilitate contacts and funding sources will be explored.  For further information contact the chair Hazel Sohm at 384-0590.

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