May 10, 2002
Remembering the Late, Great Lady: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence
In a recent conversation with Barry Penhale, who published and keeps in print
most of the books of Louise de Kiriline Lawrence, he referred to her as the
"late great lady," and thus the title of this article. Louise, who
lived on the Mattawa River in Calvin Township, was one of Canada’s greatest
naturalists, an internationally known writer, and "one of Canada’s most
remarkable women." I keep a copy of Louise’s book, The Lovely and the
Wild, handy while watching the birds and animals from my window each winter and
spring, and I have read the rest of her seven books over the years. I have
admired her since 1989 when Marilyn Mohr (now Marilyn Simonds) then of Chisholm
Township wrote a memorable ten-page article about her in Harrowsmith magazine.
When I checked the thick Nugget file on Louise, I was reminded of the many
honours she received and how the Nugget, especially Gord Mculloch had regularly
reported on her. When I started to write this article on April 27, I noticed in
her obituary that she had died on April 27, 1992 at age 98, ten years ago to the
day. As I glanced out my window I noticed about two dozen grackles and red-wing
blackbirds feeding on my lawn, with about fifty slate coloured juncos and purple
finches, and a red squirrel waiting their turn. I felt as if Louise was looking
over my shoulder as I wrote.
Louise in Sweden and Russia
Louise led several lives, any one of which is a story in itself. She was born
Louise Flach in Sweden in 1894 and was connected to aristocracy and royalty
through both her father and her mother. Her father was a trained naturalist, and
many like-minded people visited their home with Louise learning from them. At
age seventeen, as her autobiography Another Winter, Another Spring says,
"I left the opulence…hungry for something I could not identify or name,
an opportunity to feel passion, a chance to spend energy and heart
The cover of Louise de Kiriline Lawrence’s life in
Sweden and Russia, showing Louise and her first husband Greb de Kiriline. |
In spite of her family’s resistance she became a graduate nurse and looked
for challenging work. With the Russian revolution in full swing, she took a job
in a camp in Denmark for Russian officers wounded by the Bolsheviks. Here she
met Lt. Greb de Kiriline, the son of a Russian general, who she asked to teach
her Russian. They fell in love and married. In a story that is reminiscent of
Dr. Zhivago he returned to Russia to fight and she followed, on one occasion
stowing away in a boatload of men. Gleb and Louise met briefly and were
imprisoned. As a Swedish nationalist she was released and followed him from camp
to camp until he disappeared deep into Siberia where, unknown to her, he was
Louise looked for him for years while she became a leading nurse, helping the
victims of the war. She later wrote Another Winter, Another Spring, which tells
this love story and struggle for survival. She returned to Sweden, and in 1927
came to Canada as a Red Cross outpost nurse, ending up in Bonfield east of North
Bay. When I spoke to Charles Champagne of Corbeil recently about a plane crash
on his property I mentioned Louise. He pointed down Derland Road to the old
schoolhouse he attended in the 1930s, and where Louise was the school nurse. She
traveled by dogsled in the winter, and Model-A in summer, and taught using a
hand puppet to get her story across. Charles has a great affection for her and
visited her on occasion.
The Quint Nurse
When the Quints were born in 1936, Dr. Dafoe wanted the best nurse available
and chose Louise. She worked hand in hand with him and others during that
critical first year. In spite of lucrative lecture opportunities, Louise was
ready, in her own determined way, to find a simple, meaningful life, and bought
a property on Pimisi Bay, forty kilometers east of North Bay and had a log house
built. Here she wrote the book, The Quintuplets First Year (1936). She
spoke Swedish, Danish, Russian and French, but wrote perfect English. She won
the King George V Jubilee medal for her work with the Quints. In 1939 she met
and married Len Lawrence who became her companion and mentor for the next fifty
Louise de Kiriline, Dr. Dafoe and Yvonne
Leroux with the Quints. (Dionne Quints Museum collection (with expressed
permission of A.&C. Dionne) |
Louise the Naturalist
Louise slowly became attuned to her natural environment and reached out by
letter to several top people in the naturalist and ornithological community.
They responded enthusiastically. She began to band birds and keep notes, and
eventually with the encouragement of her husband and friends to write for
various publications. She eventually wrote over 500 reviews, 17 scientific
papers, and 5 books on birds and animals. Her book The Lovely and the Wild,
which tells about her settling into Pimisi Bay and her evolution as a
naturalist, features profiles of various birds and animals adapted from her
articles in the Audubon magazine. She received the John Burroughs Memorial Medal
for the book. Among many other honours, she received an honorary doctorate from
Laurentian University and there is a scholarship there in her name. Her other
more scientific books are The Log House Nest, To Whom the Wilderness Speaks, and
Barry Penhale from Natural Heritage Books, while visiting Hartley Trussler
several years ago, contacted Louise, and Barry and his wife Jane became devoted
friends. He eventually reprinted five of her books in soft cover, and they are
still (thankfully) in print and reasonably priced (1 800 725-9982 or
Gulliver’s). Dr. Robert Nero, the well known Canadian naturalist and poet,
became good friends with Louise and wrote a book of poems (a Natural Heritage
book) called The Woman on the Shore as a tribute to Louise. He says in
one verse of a poem that he wrote for her when she turned ninety:
I see her now
On a bench beside the bay
Bird calls drawing her
Out of herself
Words streaming through
Her serene mind
A desire to write
Making her blue eyes shine
Good Swedish friends Lars Ohman and his wife Maria were left
Louise’s property on Pimisi Bay, and they have maintained it and used it
regularly. Lars indicated in a recent call that her archival material is in
safekeeping in the National Archives in Ottawa. We are fortunate to have had
Louise living in our midst.
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